On Sunday afternoon the children went to Rob’s house and Melody was home alone again. He had picked them up early and it was only 3pm. Melody decided she had nothing better to do and went online on facebook. She was in a few groups about Jon and the band, but it felt different now to talk about him. She looked around a bit finding pictures of last week when he was filming a movie. She started talking about some people and her friends she always talked to.
It was great catching up with her friends, its had been a week since she had time to talk to them, she told them she went on a few dates and they were all very happy for her. Melody lost track of time while talking until her phone rang.
It was great catching up with her friends, its had been a week since she had time to talk to them, she told them she went on a few dates and they were all very happy for her. Melody lost track of time while talking until her phone rang.
“Hey.” She heard him say.
“Hi.” She answered coming back from facebook world.
“Are you busy?” He asked insecure because of her calm answer.
“Huh? No, I was on facebook.”
“You’re on facebook? You even know how that works?”
Melody laughed, “Not all of us have 2 finger typing skills, besides facebook is great, the whole Jovi family is out there.”
“Jovi family?” He asked, he knew fans were on there, but family?
“Yes, we’re a great big family, everyone knows everyone. There are lots of people that get to meet each other now at the concerts, its really cool.”
“That is cool, so you all know each other and talk about the band?” He asked again.
“We talk about you guys, but not all the time. We do have lives you know!” She laughed again.
“Ah,” He said, pausing. She could hear a door open and a little voice asking why he was in his office. He told him he just had to make a phone call and would be there in a few minutes, the door shut again.
“Your kids are there? And you're in your office? Go spend time with them!”
“I was planning Jesse’s birthday, I couldn’t do that in the living room. And then I thought I’d phone you quick about tomorrow too.”
“Are you cancelling?” She asked worried now.
“No! Just wanted to let you know I’d still be picking you up.”
“At 5?” She asked him.
“On the dot.” He said.
“Don’t be that precise at least give me 5 minutes to get changed.” She said joking. “Ok, 5.10 then?”
“Great,” She said, “I’ll wait outside for you.”
“No, you don’t have to stand outside, wait in the lobby.”
“But what if people recognize you?” She asked worriedly.
“Then they do.” He said, a door opened again and she could hear a wining voice asking for him. This time she didn’t hear a door close. “I gotta go.” He said, “See you tomorrow, 5.10.”
“Great, ill be ready. Have a nice evening with your kids.” She said.
“Wait, what hotel do you work at?”
Melody laughed again. “Yeah that’d be handy, wouldn’t it? The Mercer.”
“A few doors down? You’ve been there all the time, down the street? And I had to go all the way to Woodbridge to find you?”
“Guess so.” She answered plainly, “So I guess you know where it is?”
“Yeah, I do.” He said.
“Dad!” She heard the voice yelling at him again.
He put his hand over his phone and when he was back she could hear a door slam.
Melody sighed. “Go play with him.”
“He shouldn’t have yelled, I could have been having a business call.” He said annoyed now. “See you tomorrow.” He said, “Have a nice night.”
She said goodbye and hung up the phone.
Melody decided to have a quiet night and logged out of facebook and went to watch some TV. She went to bed early, the TV wasn’t interesting anyway.
Monday morning she woke up early and went to shower. After the shower she dried off and wrapped a towel around her hair and started getting dressed. She dried her hair and combed it out. She put some extra clothes in her bag for work so she could get changed after work before he picked her up.
When she was dressed and ready to go she stepped in her car, turned on her ipod and drove to work. She couldn’t wait for tonight, she hadn’t seen him in a week and she really missed him. Then she wondered about the tour. He’ll be busy a lot now, he won’t be around as much and it wasn’t like she could go with him anywhere, she didn’t even have a passport otherwise she would have gone to the Valentine’s Day concert. It was all she could think about the rest of the day. She wouldn’t see him anymore, he’d still be around America for a few months but then he’s in Europe. He’ll be so busy here too and she has her job. She couldn’t just take off and go. And the kids! Of course not, she had to be here for them every week. Did she even have them the days he played in New York? She thought about it for a second, visualizing the schedule she made with Rob for the next few months. They were with Rob that week, good. She stopped worrying and was glad it was busy at the hotel, she had less time to worry and the time passed faster like this.
At 5 her job was done and she went into the employees bathrooms to change into something more casual. She looked in the mirror and realized how tired she actually looked. She re-applied some make-up and combed her hair out. It didn’t help much but she looked better. Still tired, she walked out and went back to the lobby. One of her colleagues called her while she walked past the desk. Melody walked back and they chit chatted for a moment until her colleagues eyes went big and Melody felt a hand on her shoulder.
“Hey, are you ready?” Melody turned around and hugged him.
“Finally.” She said. “I missed you.” She said to his chest.
He hugged her back and said “I missed you too.”
Melody said goodbye to her colleague and she and Jon walked out of the hotel. They turned left and started walking.
“How far do you live?” She asked him, she knew it was this street but not the exact address.
“Right here.” He said and opened a door, greeted the doorman and went to the elevator. He pressed the penthouse button and turned back to Melody and kissed her slowly. “That’s a nicer hi.” He said as the elevator doors opened and they walked inside.
“Wow,” Melody said looking around. “This is big. And those windows, what a view.” She looked around and walked closer to the windows to see the view better.
“It’s only the upstairs living room.” He said like it was the most normal thing.
“You got a downstairs living room too?” She asked surprised.
“Well it’s more like a den, the kids rooms are downstairs too.”
“Wow” She said again. “You got a really nice place here. You really were that close to me all along!”
“Yeah, we could have ran into each other ages ago!” He said.
“We did.” She said, he looked at her questioningly. “A few months ago when I went to work around 10, you were running, you ran passed me.” She explained to him.
“Oh, cool. Anyway, want some dinner. I don’t really have anything but we could order something.” He said, grabbing some menu’s from a few places nearby and handed them to Melody. The first one was from an Italian place, she would love some lasagna, she thought and told him what to order not bothering to check the other menus.
He phoned and placed an order, after that he walked her to the kitchen offering her a drink. He grabbed a soda for her, like she asked and grabbed one for himself too and walked her back to the living room sitting down on the big couch.
“Wow.” Melody said again when she looked through the big windows. “If it wasn’t February we could sit out on that terrace. I have to stop saying wow.”
“Oh just wait till I show you the bedroom.” He said and laughed, “It’s got a nice view too.”
“You’ll have to show me sometime then, I bet its really nice.” She laughed now too, she set her soda can down and walked to the windows next to the kitchen. “I can see the river! At least I didn’t say wow this time.” She said when Jon walked up to stand next to her.
“You’re quickly amused.” He said with a chuckle, really happy she felt easy around his house.
“Or easily excited.” She said, “I really like it here, I like your place, it’s really nice.” He turned her to him and kissed her again, slowly, tenderly. Their tongues danced around until they heard the doorbell and he broke the kiss.
He paid and came back in with a brown paper bag that he set down on the kitchen counter.
“Wanna watch a movie while we eat?” He asked her while he took the food out of the bag. She agreed with him and he told her where to find the dvd’s. She went looking for a movie while he served the food. When he walked into the living room she was holding a case. He put the movie in and gave her a plate with lasagna and started the movie.
Chapter 8
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