Just like always Jon was perfectly on time the next morning. He always stuck to appointments or meetings exactly, wanting to be on time, every time. Melody herself was more laid back and was usually a few minutes late, she wasn’t as precise as him, which showed when she opened the front door for him wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.
“Morning.” He said and walked inside while Melody held the door for him. He kicked his shoes off and put his jacket on the coat rack and turned around to kiss her.
“Right at home huh?” She asked when his lips let hers go.
“I like your house, its cosy. Not as empty as my place.” He knew his house was sort of empty, there were some pictures on the walls but there wasn’t much more decorations than that. The children their rooms were, they had decorated themselves but the rest was empty.
“We can go shopping for that.” Melody said with a smile, thinking it would be a great idea to make it a bit more like home again. “What about your place here in Jersey, is that undecorated too?” She was already imagining which stores to go to for decorations, especially since it was spring now.
Jon thought for a second, remembering what the house looked like, he hadn’t been there since Christmas and wondered if he cleaned up the tree before he left. “Nope, pretty much empty too.”
“Let’s go decorating shopping.” Melody said excited, she loved redecorating but didn’t have the money to do it too often at her own house.
“Really?” Jon asked reluctantly, he didn’t really want to.
“Oh come on, it’ll be fun and when you get home, it will feel like home too.” Melody tried to convince him. “Coffee and mugs over there, I’m gonna get dressed.” Melody left the kitchen to her bedroom to put on clean clothes.
Jon turned on the electric kettle, and opened the cupboard. He found a mug with his picture on in the back and moved the other mugs around until he could reach it. He took the jar with instant coffee and wasn’t sure how much to use, he had never made instant coffee before. He looked around for the drawer with cutlery and found a teaspoon and took out three scoops of coffee, added sugar and milk and the water was done boiling when he had everything ready. He waited for Melody at the kitchen table, stirring his coffee so it would cool down enough so he could drink.
Melody was dressed in a few minutes and walked back to the kitchen and sat down at the table. Jon sipped his mug and made a soar face, Melody laughed at his face.
“How many spoons of coffee did you add?”
“Three.” He shook his head trying to get the taste away.
“One should be enough.” Melody laughed.
Jon nodded and made sure he’d remember next time, he tried another sip but moved his mug away, the taste was too intense, even for him.
"Let's go shopping then." Melody said happily, persistent.
"Why? Can't we do something fun?" He smirked.
"I want your home to be more of a home for you again and if you're good I might still have whipped cream."
His eyes lightened up at whipped cream, a smile on his face. "Ok then." He got up from his chair, still not wanting to go shopping but he liked what he could get afterwards.
Melody followed him and a few minutes later they were on their way to the mall.
He opened the car door for her and gave her a hand, helping her to get up. They found a department store and Melody found the home deco section in it. Melody found all sorts of nice things, just like she thought she would find here, she always shopped here when she needed something for the house. She walked through the halls and Jon was right behind her, following with the cart. They walked past candles and holders and she started pointing everything out she thought was nice and would fit for him. A few rows further she found silk roses, yellow and red ones.
"These are pretty." She said when she picked up a bouquet to show it to him.
Jon nodded and made sure he’d remember next time, he tried another sip but moved his mug away, the taste was too intense, even for him.
"Let's go shopping then." Melody said happily, persistent.
"Why? Can't we do something fun?" He smirked.
"I want your home to be more of a home for you again and if you're good I might still have whipped cream."
His eyes lightened up at whipped cream, a smile on his face. "Ok then." He got up from his chair, still not wanting to go shopping but he liked what he could get afterwards.
Melody followed him and a few minutes later they were on their way to the mall.
He opened the car door for her and gave her a hand, helping her to get up. They found a department store and Melody found the home deco section in it. Melody found all sorts of nice things, just like she thought she would find here, she always shopped here when she needed something for the house. She walked through the halls and Jon was right behind her, following with the cart. They walked past candles and holders and she started pointing everything out she thought was nice and would fit for him. A few rows further she found silk roses, yellow and red ones.
"These are pretty." She said when she picked up a bouquet to show it to him.
"They're flowers." He pointed out.
"Well noticed Jon. They're silk so they won't bother you and its spring now, so it's nice to have some flowers." She put the flowers in the cart he was pushing for her, they came with a vase so she didn't have to find one.
Melody walked back to the candles, Jon complained they already looked at them. She ignored him and found some candle holders to put on the fire place or the cupboard. She picked out 2 that looked like lanterns and Jon agreed they were kind of nice.
A bit further away she saw picture frames but Jon pointed out he had enough of those in the hallway and the living room. Melody agreed and left it, looking for other things that would fit for spring. Finally she found the Easter decorations and reminded him his kids would be home for Easter so he should get some things. Jon didn't want get things he could only use for two weeks and asked Melody to go back to the other decorations that he could leave out all year, not wanting to redecorate every few months.
After adding some more stuff to the cart, if Jon thought he'd liked it, they went to the register and Jon paid for everything. Luckily he hadn't parked too far so he could bring everything to the car, he thought there was enough stuff but Melody wanted to see more stores. He relented, still wanting his reward. It was just after 11, and he hoped there was still time.
He went back inside and met Melody at the bench she would wait for him. She stood up as soon as she saw him walking towards her and held out the cup of coffee she got for him.
"Ah I love you." He said as he took the styrofoam cup and drank, defenitaly better than what he had made.
"I knew you'd like some coffee by now."
"I really did, thanks. Where do you want to go now?" He felt his mood brighten when the caffeine started kicking in.
"Just strolling." She said, he head enough decorations in her opinion, at least for his likes.
Jon didn't really want to stroll around the mall but he didn't complain and put his arm through her, pulling her closer.
They walked through the mall together and Melody turned left at the point where 4 halls came together. She wasn't strolling, she knew where she was going.
They walked past all the stores to the end of the hall and turned around to go back when Melody stopped at the photographer they just walked past.
"Let's go in here." She stopped in front of the store looking inside. She knew the place and they had photos done in 10 minutes.
"A photographer?" Jon asked a little bit confused, wondering what she was up too. He already had a photographer and didn't really need more pictures of himself.
Melody pulled him inside and they were greeted by the lady at the desk.
"We'd like a nice photo of us." Melody said with a smile waiting to hear what she would suggest.
The lady nodded and got out a book with scenery pictures, showing them which backgrounds they could pick from.
"Your pick honey." Melody told Jon and he started leafing through the pages, looking for one he liked. He thought all the outside sceneries looked fake and decided on a plain dark green color. He showed Melody and she agreed.
They were lead to the back of the store where the lady told them to sit down on the box and she got behind her camera. Melody sat at Jon's right and they moved closer and smiled for the picture. They took a few shots before Jon caught her in a kiss right when the photographer made the photo.
He smiled at her when he let her go. "That'll be a keeper."
Melody and Jon posed for some silly pictures, making faces and getting more kisses even an eskimo kiss. Having a great time laughing at the silly faces they were making.
Afterwards the photographer showed them all the photos on the computer. They liked the first few serious pictures but started laughing more when they saw the funny ones. Melody decided she'd be keeping the one where Jon made a fish hook lip like Elvis always did and the one where he made his duck lips. Melody thought the last one was hilarious.
Melody picked the one where Jon had stole a kiss from her out to put in a frame. While the photographer printed all the pictures, the one with the unexpected kiss twice, they looked around for frames. Jon had picked out a plain silver one and waited for Melody to pick hers out. There were a lot of different ones, even the tacky ones in shapes of hearts but Melody didn't want one like that, thinking it was more for younger people and picked out the same one Jon had but in white.
They left the store with their pictures and were ready to go home. Melody was glad she had the pictures and was sure Jon had liked posing for them with her. It was almost 12 now and the kids would be home at 2, Jon had deserved his reward and Melody would gladly give it to him.
Chapter 45
Melody pulled him inside and they were greeted by the lady at the desk.
"We'd like a nice photo of us." Melody said with a smile waiting to hear what she would suggest.
The lady nodded and got out a book with scenery pictures, showing them which backgrounds they could pick from.
"Your pick honey." Melody told Jon and he started leafing through the pages, looking for one he liked. He thought all the outside sceneries looked fake and decided on a plain dark green color. He showed Melody and she agreed.
They were lead to the back of the store where the lady told them to sit down on the box and she got behind her camera. Melody sat at Jon's right and they moved closer and smiled for the picture. They took a few shots before Jon caught her in a kiss right when the photographer made the photo.
He smiled at her when he let her go. "That'll be a keeper."
Melody and Jon posed for some silly pictures, making faces and getting more kisses even an eskimo kiss. Having a great time laughing at the silly faces they were making.
Afterwards the photographer showed them all the photos on the computer. They liked the first few serious pictures but started laughing more when they saw the funny ones. Melody decided she'd be keeping the one where Jon made a fish hook lip like Elvis always did and the one where he made his duck lips. Melody thought the last one was hilarious.
Melody picked the one where Jon had stole a kiss from her out to put in a frame. While the photographer printed all the pictures, the one with the unexpected kiss twice, they looked around for frames. Jon had picked out a plain silver one and waited for Melody to pick hers out. There were a lot of different ones, even the tacky ones in shapes of hearts but Melody didn't want one like that, thinking it was more for younger people and picked out the same one Jon had but in white.
They left the store with their pictures and were ready to go home. Melody was glad she had the pictures and was sure Jon had liked posing for them with her. It was almost 12 now and the kids would be home at 2, Jon had deserved his reward and Melody would gladly give it to him.
Chapter 45
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